Yesterday was "Tax Day," the deadline set by the IRS for American taxpayers to have their tax forms filed. While I hope everybody reading this post took care of that little issue -- or at least got an extension -- this blog will feature money of a different sort:
Willie Mays is part of a 96-piece set (they're heavy paper, and calling them "cards" would be incorrect) from 1962. It was a specialty set, issued in its own wrapper. While most of the players were issued as $1 "notes," several stars were assigned higher denominations. 24 of the players were given $5 denominations and ten of the biggest -- all of them Hall of Fame players except for Ken Boyer -- would get a $10 assessed value, including Willie Mays.
Here's the back of Willie's example:
As you can see, the design of these bills was team-specific. The fronts featured a drawing of the player's home stadium, and the backs features a team logo.
Topps must have liked the concept, since they inserted another series of the bills in with the regular wax packs of their football set later that year:
There were 48 bills in the football set, and all are found with a vertical crease since they were folded over to fit in the packs.
Another set of 24 bills was also inserted into the wax packs for 1962-63 Topps hockey. Since the cards were widely distributed in Canada, they were given the appropriate "look," including bilingual denominations:
But Topps didn't limit these cards to their sports sets. In 1962, they also featured a set of cards marking the centennial of the U.S. Civil War. And guess what was tucked inside each wax pack?
Yep...a reproduced Confederate banknote.
Happy New Year!
I decided that New Year's Day was the perfect time to feature the first
card of the 1973 Topps set. That was back in 2011, and today is the first
day since...
11 years ago
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